Privacy Policy

Welcome to Quantum AI Ltd, where your privacy is our priority. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your information when you engage with our service, emphasizing your privacy rights and the legal safeguards in place.

**Interpretation and Definitions:**

Clear definitions of key terms ensure a common understanding within this policy.

**Collecting and Using Your Personal Data:**

We explain the types of data we collect, such as personal and usage data, and specify how we utilize this information for service maintenance, account management, communication, and more.

**Retention of Your Personal Data:**

We outline how long we retain your personal data, ensuring compliance with legal obligations and internal analysis purposes. Usage data is covered separately, focusing on security, functionality improvement, and legal obligations.

**Transfer of Your Personal Data:**

Your data may be processed in various locations, and we ensure its security during transfer, emphasizing our commitment to data protection.

**Delete Your Personal Data:**

You have the right to delete or request assistance in deleting your personal data, with details provided on managing, updating, or deleting information through our service.

**Disclosure of Your Personal Data:**

In certain circumstances, we may disclose your personal data, emphasizing transparency in notifying you before such disclosures.

**Security of Your Personal Data:**

While we strive for utmost security, we acknowledge challenges and detail efforts to protect your data using acceptable means.

**Children’s Privacy:**

Our service does not target individuals under 13, with steps outlined to address children’s privacy concerns.

**Links to Other Websites:**

Users are cautioned about third-party links, advising a review of their privacy policies due to lack of control over their content or practices.

**Changes to this Privacy Policy:**

We commit to updating the privacy policy and outline the notification process for any changes.

**Contact Us:**

For privacy policy queries, users are encouraged to reach out through provided contact information.

At Quantum AI Ltd, safeguarding your privacy and providing transparency about our data practices are paramount. This policy underscores our commitment to protecting your personal information.